Sunday, September 23, 2007

The discovery of ones crucial missing things leads to anothers loss

Well for the most part. haha. Kasia said "I know the your pain with disappearing stuff... my grannie always said that it was a devil who covered them with his tail (you know one of Polish folklore) and if you will stop looking for the lost thing, it will surely come up! Works for me :D". She was right of course. This weekend with Nathan visiting and all the craziness with my new job, school and parties I found my glasses and my phone. I have to laugh at their hiding location which was in my closet hanging up in the pockets of some of my sweaters. I'm glad to have them back.

Nathan got here early on Friday and slept while I was at working painting mini murals for maintenance at the school I go too. I paint and vacuum for three hours a day three times a week and it gives me a little extra cash. After work Nathan and I went to my class and radio show, took a nap,went out for sushi with craft townees, attended Joe's moustache party. After which we went to see the dry valley gamblers at Spankies and hung out with Merideth, Jamie, Ben and Kyle.

Saturday we drove to Murpheesburro to visit Nathan's friend Mike. Drove back and attended a festival at IDA, a gay commune in these Smokey mountain hills. It was a blast. We all had a great time until we got back to the car and discovered it had been broken into. The only things that we couldn't find were Lori's purse, Rose's laptop and the beer which I believe they broke into the car to get to in the first place. Everything else that was missing was found this morning in the woods off to the side of the car. Other than us only one other group from IDA has reported anything missing theirs being the car itself being stolen. We've filed police reports and are awaiting any possible news. No one is mad about anything just sad that people can be like that in this world and worried that we won't be able to get the stuff back.

This morning after making breakfast for Nathan we talked of cthulu. Which is where this image of a plushie octopus I got him comes into play. haha I thought it would be funny to have the octopus checking out cthulu on the Internet while Nathan was in the shower so he'd get a giggle when he got out. After Nathan left Lori and I went to IDA to see if we could find anything which we did though only a few of the clothing items that had been stolen. After a hike around IDA we went to Wally world and got tissue paper for a class project and worked on our book projects while watching Nightmare Before Christmas, the Kill, and Office Space.


Knittymuggins said...

I'm so sorry Heidi! What a crapper :( I hope everything turns up safely eventually. Love the photo in your post with the moustaches! Oooooh - Nightmare Before Christmas! Time for me to watch it too....

Kasia said...

Ha! I told you those things works! I am happy to hear that you found what was lost! That's great! I love the moustache picture and octopus reading about Cthulu, so cool. I am a big fan of HP. Lovecraft and "Nightmare before Christmas"!