Monday, February 23, 2009

Just making

So far 2009 hates me but I am determined to not take it personal.

My car stereo was stolen this past week along with the cd's that were left in the car (which were almost all burned so why they would want them go figure), my coat that I left in the back seat, and my emergency kit. I guess that I can safely assume that I have a warm safe driving car stereo thief who has good taste in music.

Anyways there are more reasons than that for why 2009 despises me but that one is really the only one if feel like getting into.

I have been knitting, block printing, baking, and sewing lately however so I am excited to say YAY!

Right now I have finished sewing a patch work pillow, sewing samples, and a zombie intestines t-shirt for a zombie party. I am currently knitting fingerless gloves with a twist (once I get it all worked out I'll reveal them) and some hats like the previous ones posted. One by request in red, gold, and purple the other using yarn recycled from an italian sweater. As for baking I have taken up making home made dog biscuits after babysitting a puppy sick with Parvo.

I need to get over things mostly myself and become a craft product making machine. No thinking allowed. Just making.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Determined to be productive

Today is my littlest brothers birthday. He turned 19. Awww.

I am taking great strides to be more productive with my time. I'm knitting a coozy glove (more on that when its finished and tested),sewing predator scarves, attempting to recreate a t-shirt I like in a jersey fabric I bought, etc.

Hopefully I can keep the trend of doing stuff to make stuff up because that is really what I want to do. I want to trade my yarn stash in for stuff that I've made. Its much more gratifying which is an amazing thing to say because a yarn stash is a pretty gratifying bit of procrastination joy in and of itself.

School is boring. I am really over it and can't wait to graduate so I can move on with my life.

I'll hopefully find my misplaced camera soon so I can share projects. <3

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Back in the Saddle Again

Phew! This semester has started off with a long slow resounding bang. I was sick for the better part of the beginning of January. Which was of course when I was moving from one room to another since I have a new roommate. Sick + moving = not a good idea.

Regardless I did get my brother to send me a picture of his hat that I made over the break and I found a finished picture of the hat I made for Joe. So yay! I can share those with you.

The Martina sweater has once again taken the back seat to school and life. I'll finish it one of these days and it will be amazing. Until then I am working on a lot of fibers work. I am taking a sewing class and a surface design class. So I am excited to see what I end up with at the end of the semester.

Right now we just learned a potato dextrin resist technique and I am in love with it. It makes an amazing crackle pattern on the fabric that is very natural looking but also edgy. <3 I have big plans to make something using that technique. In a few weeks we will also learn burn out methods which is another technique I am really interested in.

The sewing class is easy peezy but I am enjoying garunteed time to sew. We patchwork made pillows the other day. I used some of the left over tattoo fabric from Joe's knife bag checkered with some black fabric and red canvas back. I really like it and can't wait to post an image as soon as it gets handed back to me after grading.

Sadly the only other thing we are making besides sewing samples of different things you should be able to do are a set of pajamas. I have a ton of pj's so I am going to make them for Joe. Who happens to have already picked out the fabric he wants them to be and can't wait to wear them. Its going to be adorable when they are finished because the pj's are going to make him look like an over grown tattooed 5 year old. haha <3 I can't wait.

I have been suffering from a feeling of not being productive. I realize that it is hard to be super productive when one is extremely social and dating someone who lives an hour and a half away but I am trying. I just wish I had ready to go sewing set ups in Cookeville as well as in Nashville. If I had that I'd be the master!