So I got a call this morning from Ewe Knits , a local yarn store I had applied to. I got the job. I go in for orientation tomorrow. I'm very excited. I really hope that I can be of help there and am really excited about how this is going to help me with my knitting not simply because I get yarn discounts but because of all the ideas and diffrent things going around I'll be learning a ton. So Hip- Hip- Hurray I'm gonna dance and sing all day just not down in fragile rock. I checked out some Knitting books from the local library today when I went to register to vote too.
They are:
*Gift Knits, more than 70 wearable and decorative projects- Chris Rankin
*Hot Knits, 30 cool, fun designs to knit and wear- Melissa Leapman
*Animal Knits, 26 fun handknits for children and toddlers- Zoe Mellor
*A History of Hand Knitting- Richard Rutt
There are alot of really cute intersia patterns I'm in love with from the gift knits and the animal knits. We'll see what I come up with huh? need to finish all my other projects first. Got a little farther with the baby blanket. Hopefully it'll just keep coming along as quickly as it is.
I'm trying to figure out how to put up a links section. Haven't quite figured out everything yet... actually I'm very far from figuring all that out but I'm doing pretty good I think for a start. So we'll see if I can get that up and going this week.
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